dugong 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a large sea animal, similar to a manatee, that is found mainly in the Indian and Pacific oceans…。了解更多。
Dugong在儒艮- 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書的討論與評價
儒艮(粵拼:jyu⁴ gan³;英文:Dugong)同海牛一樣,都係草食性動物,但棲息地就唔多相似,佢哋係海牛目中唯一重生存喺印度洋同太平洋地區嘅物種。同海牛唔同,儒艮嘅 ...
Dugong在Dugong | Species | WWF的討論與評價
Dugongs are cousins of manatees and share a similar plump appearance, but have a dolphin fluke-like tail. And unlike manatees, which use freshwater areas, ...
Dugong在Dugong | National Geographic的討論與評價
These enormous vegetarians can be found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia, including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Pacific. Dugongs are ...
Dugong在Dugong - Oceana的討論與評價
The dugong is a species of sea cow found throughout the warm latitudes of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. It is the only member of the Dugongidae family, ...
Dugong在Dugong - Great Barrier Reef Foundation的討論與評價
Growing up to 3 metres long and weighing over 400kg, Dugongs are fluke-tailed relatives of the manatee. They swim at a gentle pace of 10km/hr, ...
Dugong在ADW: Dugong dugon: INFORMATION - Animal Diversity Web的討論與評價
Dugongs are a semi-nomadic species. They may migrate long distances in order to find a specific seagrass bed, but they may also inhabit a single range for most ...
Dugong在Dugong - National Taiwan Museum-Collection Highlights的討論與評價
The dugong, like sea cow, is a large herbivorous aquatic mammal, feeding on juicy aquatic plants such as algae and weeds in the shallow oceanic trench. It ...
Dugong在Dugong - 儒艮 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙的討論與評價
學名:Dugong dugon (Laépède, 1799). 形態:頭部微方,兩頰鼓起,吻部有剛毛(bristles),吻緣呈馬蹄形。身體呈紡錘形,背部沒有背鰭,前鰭如槳狀,前鰭末端沒有指甲, ...
Dugong在Dugong - GBRMPA的討論與評價
Dugong mother and calf swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Dugongs, or sea cows as they are sometimes called, are marine animals which can grow ...